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Home » The First Roller Derby Bout in Malta

The First Roller Derby Bout in Malta

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Pride Bout visual

We did it! Malta’s first ever roller derby bout is in the books 🖤

When we got back from playing our very first roller derby bouts in Malaga in April of 2023, the dream to play derby in Malta began to solidify. Seeing it all come together in Spain helped us to see that it was possible in Malta too. 

Tutti Frutti bout as part of Europride

What really encouraged us to go for it was the Europride was being held in Malta in September 2023. Roller derby is undeniably a queer sport, so wouldn’t it be a perfect match to hold our first bout in Malta as part of Europride? We put together a plan, a budget, and a video explaining what derby is and sent them off to the organisers of Europride, hoping they could help us make this a reality. 

Not too long after, we got the news: our proposal had been accepted! We were over the moon, and immediately called a meeting to discuss how we would pull it off. A really important part of the plan was to bring players and officials from abroad. This would be a single bout between mixed teams from different countries playing WFTDA rules. 

We put out a call and within a week, 20 out of 30 spaces had been filled. Thanks to Europride’s sponsorship, we were able to offer a travel refund. Players and officials came over from Spain, Italy, England, Scotland, and even as far as Florida, USA!

Thanks to a generous donation from one of our overseas supporters, we were able to invite drag queens to perform at half time! Crush Velvet and Blakk Velvet entertained while the players had a quick break.

A big thank you to everyone that came, cheered us on, bought merch and supported us throughout this journey. We feel so, so grateful to have been able to share roller derby with you all. We are feeling even more motivated and inspired, we can’t wait to keep making history!

roller derby bout in malta - players
roller derby bout in malta - gameplay
roller derby bout in malta - refs

And the thanks go to…

A heartfelt thank you to the volunteers from within Honey Island Rollers who gave their time and energy to make this event happen. It’s safe to say that derby people are the best people 😉

  • Noe Mercy – afterparty, communications
  • Swiffer – bench coach, setting up scoreboard, social media, help with general organisation
  • Dragon Roll – bench coach, setting up scoreboard, communications
  • Kabocca – printing stickers and programmes, ref squad
  • Calypso – Tutti Frutti design, merch design and handmade printing
  • Spyro – communications, general organisation
  • Al Dented – ref squad, organisation of NSOs
  • Melon – sourcing sponsorships, sourcing medic, general organisation
  • Jack – ref squad, rope source, general organisation

Our amazing supporters from outside the league who also helped with Tutti Frutti:

  • Theminist Killjoy – Head Ref, donation of skates
  • Tia Lobo – Head NSO
  • Smacks – announcer
  • Gabe – livestream/filming, general support
  • Alec – merch table, sarcastic humour
  • Martha – help with merch prep, general support
  • Luisa – penalty box timer
  • Giancarlo – penalty box timer
  • Volunteers from MCVS

Huge thank you to the Europride organisers for believing in our vision and supporting us financially. 

Thanks also go to our additional sponsors, FIMBANK, and Sara “Diddy” Flory PhD.