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Meet the Skater | Ra

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Ra, is a roller derby player who comes to the Honey Island Rollers all the way from Columbia. Known simply as Ra on the track, she proudly displays the number 26 on her jersey. Ra brings her unique background and years of experience in the sport of roller derby to her team.

Ra’s roller derby journey began way back in 2014, and she has been playing ever since. Through her many years of experience, she remains open to learning from every opportunity and encounter that comes her way. Before discovering roller derby, Ra’s previous athletic experience was in gymnastics, which undoubtedly contributed to her agility on the track.

In addition to roller derby, Ra is a talented actress, showcasing her creativity and dedication in the performing arts. Playing roller derby has taught her invaluable life lessons, such as the importance of perseverance, hard work, and finding joy in the process itself.

When it comes to favourites, Ra’s taste buds crave burgers and fried chicken… but her teammates know that she’ll eat almost anything. For new skaters, Ra’s advice is to commit wholeheartedly, enjoy the journey, and keep trying until you reach your goals.

What Ra loves most about HIR is the collective mindset and commitment of the team. She admires the way everyone thinks, the dedication they demonstrate, and their willingness to learn and grow together. The supportive and inclusive environment that HIR has fostered is something that Ra truly cherishes.

Ra’s presence on the Honey Island Rollers is invaluable. Her skills as a blocker and ref, combined with her passion for the sport and dedication to personal growth, make her an essential member of the team and the training committee.

Has Ra’s story inspired you? Get in touch with us if you’d like to join the Honey Island Rollers!